Please find below a library of helpful information. If you require further assistance, please email,
OnePost App Version 4

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- Select OnePost to create news notifications
- View News History – summary and detail of past news notifications
- Select Media to upload an image or PDF.
- Select Staff to edit, add, or remove staff members.
- Have other updates or questions? Support allows you to open a ticket.

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- From the dashboard, select OnePost to create news notifications.
- Add the “Title” of your news notification.
- Select Media to upload an image or PDF.
- You can add a link to your text by selecting the “link” icon.
- Other styling options are available in the toolbar.
- Select “Latest News” under categories.
- Select “Publish” to send now.
- Next to “Publish Immediately”, you can select Edit to schedule the date and time.

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- From the dashboard, select News History
- You can view past news notifications.
- You may also delete or trash old items so they no longer show in the app.
- You can also edit and update a previous item.

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- From the dashboard, select Media.
- You can upload new media items, particularly handy if you might reuse them, like a logo for example.
- Select the image and you can delete or resize it if needed.
- Upload multiple images at once, which is handy for mass updates like for Staff for example.

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- From the dashboard, select Staff.
- Staff member list is shown in a table format that can be sorted.
- Hover over the name from the desktop to edit or delete (trash) the staff member.
App Features
- Automated Push Notifications: When a news item is created on your website, a push notification can automatically be sent. Once setup you don’t have to do anything to send out a push other than to create news items on your website.
- RSS Feeds: We can connect Automated Push Notifications to virtually any Blog, News or RSS feed. If you aren’t sure if your website or another site you want to use has an RSS feed, contact us and we will assist.
- Benefits: Push notifications drive traffic to the website by alerting your community that a news item has been created and can be viewed by selecting the notification.
- Setup: Contact our support email or call 888-930-8733 for assistance in setting up.
- WordPress Sync: When a news item is created in WordPress and Automated Push Notifications are set up, a push will go out, but may experience up to a 30 minute delay as our server syncs with the WordPress server.

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- When a form is completed, it will be automatically sent via email to one or several email addresses.
- Please see your documentation PDF for email destinations.
- If you are not receiving the forms, please contact BlueTreeApps via our support email address.
- Forms can be customized to meet your needs.
- Form entries can be archived for the school year.
- Transportation change form is another popular use of our forms feature.

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- BlueTreeApps can link to any website portal including:
- School Information Systems like Powerschool and Infinite Campus
- Payment Systems like School Bucks and RevTrak
- Volunteer Portals like SignUpGenius
- Spiritwear sites
- Learning platforms
- No information, including student and parent, is passed from the the portal to BlueTreeApps.
- Our app includes a built-in browser that can view any public website page just let us know what you want included.
Link to Website RSS Feeds

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- BlueTreeApps can link directly with any website News feed via RSS or with a WordPress powered website via our WordPress custom plugin.
- Continue using and update your website news, posts, and blogs as normal and your news will automatically update in the app.
- Multiple feeds can populate the app.
- Updates to your website news immediately update in the app.
- Once setup, nothing else is needed.
PDF and Email Newsletters
- If you’re creating PDF newsletters, we can link to the PDF from the app.
- Emailed newsletter can automatically show in the app and send a push notification
- To review your newsletter options, simply contact BlueTreeApps via our support email address and we will explore options with you.
- Mailchimp and other email providers will automatically format to the size of the phone for easy viewing.
- Links within the newsletters will work within the app.

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- If you don’t have RSS setup on your website and you’d like this option, simply contact BlueTreeApps via our support email address and we will explore options with you.
- Once setup, check your documentation PDF for login instructions.
- Once logged in, select “Posts” from the menu on the left.
- Select “Add New” or Select All Posts if you need to edit or delete an post.
At the top, enter an Post Title.
- Categorize the Post as “Latest News” Or “News”
Upload a featured image or use the default one we created for you.
Ignore the other options and select Publish or Update.
- To delete a post go back to the post list and scroll over the post name. Underneath select Delete.
Linking to Website Calendars

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- BlueTreeApps can link directly to Google Calendar as well as other website calendars that support calendar sharing.
- If your website calendar is not setup for sharing, simply contact our support email address and we will explore linking options with you.
- Continue using and updating your website calendar as normal and your calendar will automatically update in the app.
- Depending on your website calendar, updates to app’s calendar can be immediate or up to an hour.
Other Calendar Options

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- If you don’t have an electronic calendar on your website, simply contact BlueTreeApps via our support email address and we will explore options with you.
- Once setup, check your documentation PDF for login instructions.
- Once logged in, select “Events” from the menu on the left.
- Select “Add New” or Select All Events if you need to edit or delete an event.
At the top, enter an Event Title.
If the event spans several days, we recommend including the date range int the title. ex. “Thanksgiving Break, 11/23 – 11/29”.
Select “All Day Event” or a Start Date/Time and End Date/Time. We will set the time zone to default to your time.
Ignore the other options and select Publish or Update.
- To delete an event go back to the event list and scroll over the event name. Underneath select Delete.
Apple Developer Account
Step 1: We will create a unique Apple ID on your behalf, using a email address.
Step 2: The Apple ID will need to be activated and verified. We will walk you through the process. See these instructions for details.
Step 3: We will find your organizations Duns number, and apply for an Apple Developer Account.
Step 4: If the Duns Number is unverified, we will request duns to Verify the Duns number. Duns will call your organization to verify their information.
Step 5: Once the application is submitted to Apple with a verified Duns number, Apple will call to verify the information on the account.
Step 6: When the Developer Account is approved, Apple will send an activation email.
Step 7: We will activate the developer account and transfer your app from our account to your new Apple Developer Account.
WEbsite domain & Hosting
Configuring GoDaddy to point your domain to our servers
- Login to GoDaddy
- Click My Products to see a list of your purchased domains
- Select DNS next to the domain you wish to point to WP Engine and open the DNS page within GoDaddy.
- Locate the A record for your Apex domain
- The name will be
- Or, the name field will show your domain
- The name will be
- Click the pencil icon to the far right of this record to edit
- Locate the field Points to
- Update this field to the A Record value we give you.
- Click Save
- Review the list of records again, locate the Name column and identify the row for www. This row will look like one of the two following 2 options:
- If the www record is a CNAME record type, no further changes are needed. It will look like this:
2. If the www record is an A record type and looks like this:
- Delete the single existing www record
- Click the button to Add
- Change the dropdown for type to CNAME
- In the Host field enter:
- In the Point to field enter:
- Click Save