5 Ways To Promote Your App Offline


Yup, you heard right – offline! We are all constantly connected through our mobile phones; Facebook and Twitter feeds are our information pit stops, and the emails filling up our inboxes are everything we ever wanted and more. It’s so easy to get heard in the online world, but what about offline? How do you get through to those tough to reach places? Hot do you get attention out in the open? We decided to put down our phones and go out, trying to find the top 5 ways to promote your app offline.

We’ve already talked about how social media can help you promote your app. We provided you with a detailed guide about everything you need to know about mobile app promotion A-Z. We even got you a handy list of facts about the art of app promotion. But now it’s time to get down to business and get into the offline.

The power of local promotion

1 5 Ways To Promote Your App Offline

If your app is connected to a local community and you plan to make it a part of the neighborhood, host a local event and gather the local audience. Yes, writing a blog post or setting up a promo add online is less stressful than organizing a live event, but events come in all shapes and at all prices. Find out where your local community meets the most and host the promo event there. It could be a park, local bar or a restaurant or just a busy corner down the street. If, for example, you decide to host an event at your local bar, announce the new app and add a little extra something – like a free drink for everyone who downloads the app at that event. This could be a cool trigger for your new users to talk about your app and share it with their friends!

Use the press

2 5 Ways To Promote Your App Offline

Create a press release for your app and hand it out to local newspapers, or use fliers and hand them out with local magazines. Get a good angle on the press and try to incorporate your message with the story written in the papers, or get to writing yourself and get your sponsored article out to the local public!


offline stickers 5 Ways To Promote Your App Offline

Want a cheap way to create a buzz surrounding your app? Create cool and eye-catching stickers that will draw the attention of users. Once you have your ideal design, it’s time to go local and use them in places that your target audience frequents the most. For example, you made an app for a hair salon: display your sticker on the front door of the place. And have QR Codes in mind when you’re designing your sticker – make it easy for your public to download your app right on the go!

QR codes are a must

4 5 Ways To Promote Your App Offline

If you have ever doubted QR codes, bear in mind that some studies show that they are getting more and more popular among consumers around the world. QR Code Statistics and Trends research from PitneyBowes show that there are already millions of QR code users in the US, and over 50% of smartphone users have scanned a code using some kind of QR scanner. Creating a custom QR code is straightforward, but remember to use a simple landing page so the users can easily find out what your app is about and download it without a hitch.

T-shirts and fliers also work

offline tshirts 5 Ways To Promote Your App Offline

Once your event is set, hand out cool-looking fliers filled with useful and catchy content. Don’t turn them into sale promos – write some tips about your app, present them in a useful manner and make sure to have some promo codes ready for your new app users. What better way to get people to try out your app than to make it free with special promo codes. And while you are handing out fliers, do it wearing your very own branded shirt. Is there a better way to make a statement than a with T-shirt? Use your app logo and combine it with a catchy call to action that people will notice and remember. And, of course, hand out a couple of those T-shirts with the fliers. Everyone likes a free tee!


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